Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tolido's 1st days of Days of School

Tolido is a big boy now! He goes to school three days a week - leaves with Daddy when he goes to work and comes home with Daddy at the end of the day. I love it. Tolido loves it too. Everyday we get a report card - seems excessive to me but, it's kinda fun too. The very first day the "Note to parents" section said, "Awesome first day!!! He's a very good kid. :) We loved having him in the class." Wow! Great job, Wingnut! He got a bowl of ice cream just 'cuz Mommy was SO very proud of him. And so it has continued. He gets a little clingy when Daddy walks him up to the door of the school and sometimes he fusses. But the teachers say he is happy all day at school and he's getting lots of interaction with other children which is something he was desperately lacking hanging with Mommy all day at home. They only speak Spanish to him at school and that seems to be sinking in. He now says "si!" instead of "yes" and calls cookies "galletas". He wears a little uniform to school and looks so grown up. Yesterday he came home with an "incident report" because another little kid bit him on the arm. Apparently Tolido just let him bite. I explained to him that there are more effective solutions to discouraging biters... ;) So school seems to be agreeing with T and the quiet time apart is agreeing with Mommy too.

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