Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh Please Speak....

This morning I made the mistake of putting my foot down and insisting that Tolido at least TRY to say the word P O T T Y. "Pah' Tee" It was stupid on my part but I'm so tired of him not making progress where speech is concerned. I last posted about this mid-April. Since then we've had a grand total of THREE new words. Oh, come on, really?! Really. I can say, "Tolido, Please wash your hands, throw the wipe in the trash then go pick up the towels off the floor and take them to the laundry room and then clean up your playroom." He'll do it. I can ask him to stop playing, go upstairs, take off his clothes and get into the tub. He does it. He's not stupid. He understands every word. His vocabulary comprehension-wise is immense. But he SAYS little. He knows all his colors but will only say "blue." He says "Daddy" incessantly which is just about to drive both Daddy and Mommy completely nuts. He does a lot of pointing and says "eh" to show us what he wants. I think that for too long we have been naming things he points at with too little required in return. We talk to him. We read to him. We have now decided that he will get no more given to him without verbal work on his part. I've printed up 100 pretty flashcards with pictures of things he should be able to say. He will learn these. I will read books to him without pause until he begins to speak. I've taken his favorite toys out of the toy room and placed them along the edge of the bar. He can see them but can't reach them. We just explained to Tolido that he must tell Mommy what he wants, by name, if he wants to play with them. He is not happy. You should see the little glaring looks!! Tolido speech has, today, become my obsession. I shall flood his brain with words! :)


Anonymous said...

how frustrating! but you seem like a woman on a mission, and i'm sure you can help him. (have you have had him evaluated for any kind of speech delay? he's obviously super smart, so wondering if there is some other reason he's not talking - other than to make you nuts.) :-)

Megan said...

He has two gears in being upset. One is genuinely hurt/scared/frustrated. The other is I'm flat out not doing it and I don't care what you think. This morning he proved that stubbornness happens to be our problem in this case. He knows how to say "juice," "food," and "nana" (banana). He was presented with all three for breakfast and told that he needed to tell us what they were in order to have them. He said "nana" and immediately got his banana. He ate it and then pointed at the OJ and said "eh." I told him that was "juice." Daddy told him it was "juice." Tolido glared and sat on the floor. When Daddy tried to explain the new world order to him again he turned into a little devil child and threw a tantrum complete with gremlin screams. Quite impressive but no good for getting juice. ;) He does have a speech delay. It's called stubbornness. :)